Upload Update: RAW Uploads Near Conclusion

RAW Logo 2003

This week saw what was a promising week of uploads grind to a near halt as the week concluded. As the week began we got large chunks taken out of the 2002 and 2003 RAW episodes to the point that it would have been safe to say they would be finished by the end of the week. However, there were hardly any on Thursday and none on Friday. As of writing there are 19 episodes combined of RAW from 2002 and 2003 meaning it is (hopefully) safe to say that they will all be finished by the end of the week. In an ideal world we would be seeing what the next next batch of uploads would be by Friday. Monday’s have been unusually quiet for uploads besides scheduled things, but they were used to finish up the ECW uploads last month so maybe we will have a large scale upload to start the week.

The question that is getting hotter as we are in a new month and as these uploads conclude is what is next? It seems the Network is going by an A shows first policy as we have only had Nitro uploads and no Thunder and it seems possible that the same policy as being adhered to for Raw and Smackdown. The only Smackdown we got in quantity was during Brocktober and only because it was relevant to Lesnar. It sadly seems that we will be waiting a while for Smackdown as there are at least another 3 uploads of Raw before completion going by their patterns which may mean an even longer wait for fans of Heat, Velocity and Shotgun Saturday Night. While we have got B shows of shows like ECW and Mid South this was all under the same category banner on the Network as for some reason they are seen as being the same or not long enough or enough episodes to warrant its own category

Other possibilities for uploads are the Freebirds related upload of WCCW while Texas and Wrestlemania is still fresh in our minds. Though this may be pushed back again due to Sting’s retirement. If the plan is for a Sting upload the options are the end of Nitro or the next World Championship Wresting upload which would go through aspects like Sting’s first Starrcade and his broadway with Flair at the first Clash of the Champions. Of course if they were going with Sting they could go out of left field and do the Sting related upload of Mid -South that was named in the survey  that included most of the uploads we have gotten so far and the Freebirds upload.

Other Network related news involves a rumour that popped up of WWE buying more tape libraries including two foreign ones in particular. Rumours have abounded with All Japan being a firm favourite due to its ties to so many Hall of Famers and World of Sport in England. Nothing concrete but the buying was to start after Wrestlemania so it is still early days and any further news will be reported on as it comes to light.

New month means new collections this month we only got two a DX one and a Swerved one looking back on season one. No word of any further collections and considering the WWE reported on them it does not look likely unless something is moved up or something topical happens.

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Upload Update: RAW Uploads Near Conclusion

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