Kyle Edwards Released

Kyle Edwards

Another WWE announcer has been released from the company this time Kyle Edwards. Edwards  went to Twitter today to announce his departure from the company,

I have parted ways with the WWE! No hard feelings what so ever. Time to move on to a new chapter.

This is the second release of an announcer following Rich Brennan’s release earlier in the week. Edwards while not as a high profile announcer as Brennan, Edwards had a presence more on online shows making an appearance on the Edge and Christian Show that totally reeks of awesomeness a few weeks ago. With so many changes this week it seems that the WWE is cutting talent to make room for the spate of new talent that has been coming in the past few months.

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Kyle Edwards Released

Joey Styles Announces Future Network Upload

ECW Logo

In the last few months we have seen a complete run of ECW episodes form 1995 to 2000 be uploaded to the WWE Network, however fans have been baying for two further ECW uploads that of the pre pay -per-view supercards and the missing Hardcore TV’s from 1993-1994. Today it seems that one of these wishes will come true, Joey Styles took to Twitter today to answer a question about the supercards saying,

Yes. The pre-PPV ECW Supershows will eventually be on . Three are up now under the ECW Exposed section.

This is very promising news as for a long time it was thought copyright and ownership problems would leave us with only the three supercards on the Network already. The WWE Examiner can reveal about the supercards that it seems they will go under the ECW pay-per-view banner as the two 1995 supercards have already been moved there. Styles has proven to be completely reliable on uploads as he announced on Twitter a few months ago the upload of the last years of Hardcore TV and ECW on TNN, which were put up the next month. While Styles’ tweet does not promise an immediate upload as the Smackdown uploads wind down many will be hopeful for this to be next as well as the plugging in the holes of Hardcore TV in 1993 and 1994. Questions were asked earlier this year when the original ECW television shows were all uploaded what would fill the space for uploads and it seems that this will be the new addition to the uploads. Once these episodes start to be uploaded the weekly upload update will announce for our readers old and new.

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Joey Styles Announces Future Network Upload

Collection Catchup: Chyna Collection Added


In the past few minutes the WWE Network has added another collection, a Chyna collection. This will be a welcome sight for many who feel that Chyna has been ignored by the WWE for far too long, while others will view it as too little too late for the star. The collection has all of Chyna’s accomplishments including her winning the Intercontinental and Women’s titles, and her time with Triple H and later Eddie Guerrero.

Two moments of note for fans her winning a WWE Title shot which she never got due to Mankind later defeating her for the shot, this is a moment that many fans feels goes unnoticed and despite never challenging for the world title is an incredible accomplishment for a woman in wrestling, The other is Chyna’s qualifier for the King of the Ring, this match took place on Heat. This will excite many fans of the dumps of classic content that happen monthly aas it would imply that Heat episodes may be coming sooner than expected.

This hint at Heat and the recent Smackdown uploads will be covered in this week’s Upload Update and as next week is the beginning of a new month, keep an eye out for further Collection Catchup’s as long as WWE their monthly collections in the first week as they have since they began.

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Collection Catchup: Chyna Collection Added

BREAKING Eric Young makes his NXT Debut

Eric Young

NXT has become known for the surprise appearances at shows of all forms, however, the latest one at the current tapings has everyone buzzing. Former TNA star Eric Young has made his début on the NXT show in what for many is a surprise that was not expected for a while. Since Young and Booby Roode announced their departure from the company rumours have thrived on their intentions with the WWE. With Roode’s appearance at NXT Takeover Dallas fans were sure he was the one who would arrive in WWE first. These rumours died when Roode announced he had not signed anything in an interview,a ll the while no word of Young.

Young and Roode are both rumoured to be wanted as trainers as well as in ring competitors which makes sense as both have been active for a long period outside of WWE they have a wealth of information to pass on. With two of the longest serving and major stars of TNA both potentially leaving for WWE and the appeal of NXT questions will arise as TNA continues it’s instability if we will see more defections as TNA continues to flounder.

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BREAKING Eric Young makes his NXT Debut

Injury Update: John Cena Announces Return Date

John Cena

John Cena’s injury was one of the many high profile injuries of the past 12 months for the WWE, many have been wondering when the star of the company was due back considering his past record recovery times. Today that question was answered when Cena tweeted out the following,

They said the surgery recovery time is 9 months, but I’m ready to go in 5. This Cena is back on .

Questions will flow over what place Cena will take in WWE which has undergone a major facelift since his injury from hot signings like AJ Styles and NXT call-ups to Roman Reigns new main event status as well as fans baying for stars like Dean Ambrose to have a bigger role in the world title picture. Also people will be interested to see after Cena’s return if he is taking a part time schedule as was rumoured when Cena left to do American Grit for a few months before his injury.Another question is what fans reactions will be, fans were warming to the star who improved drastically in ring in 2015 with excellent matches during his US Title reigns amongst others. It has been heard on occasion from fans  the chant of we want Cena. One thing is certain fans will be looking forward to Memorial day, May 30 to see where Cena fits into the dawning of a new era of WWE.

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Injury Update: John Cena Announces Return Date

Global Cruiserweight Tournament Update: First Two Participants Officially Qualify

Crusierweight Belt

News has broken from the first set of tournament qualifiers that took place from PROGERESS Wrestling. Zack Sabre jr defeated Flash Morgan Webster and Jack Gallagher defeated Pete Dunne to qualify respectively. This marks the first two of 32 to be officially confirmed for the tournament starting on July 13. The remaining matches that have been announced and qualified wrestlers  are,

Qualifying Matches Remaining

May 1

Noam Dar vs  Josh Bodom

May 7 

Drew Gulak vs Tracy Williams

Fred Yehi vs TJ Perkins

Qualified Participants

Zack Sabre jr

Jack Gallager

After these initial matches are complete we will have a further three participants to join Sabre and Gallagher. It is unknown yet what the tournament will be laid out as there have been rumours of it being worked as Japanese style wrestling tournament. As more results come to light and more qualifiers are announced as well as tournament layout, the WWE Examiner will keep you posted.

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Global Cruiserweight Tournament Update: First Two Participants Officially Qualify

Upload Update: Smackdown and Surprises

Smackdown 2000 Logo

Slower week this week but one that had some very welcome surprises. This week saw 2000 episodes reach the 30s while 2001 still has yet to hit 20 episodes. However, the story this week was less about those episodes and more about some major shock uploads. First of all we received an episode of Smackdown from 2002, this was hoped for as it now means that we will see 2002 finished as well which should not take long as over half of 2002 is already there.As the week progressed things slowed, until Thursday when a major surprise was uploaded to the Network.

Since 1997 Raws were uploaded fans have bemoaned the lack of Thursday Raw Thursday and also wondering how it would be handled as numbering would exclude it from being counted as a regular episode. On Thursday Thursday Raw Thursday was uploaded, no one is sure why we got it, though the popular theory is due to it coming from Lowell it was to coincide with the NXT show that was in Lowell on Thursday night. Also uploaded was the missing episode of Raw form 2013, again no explanation to why we got this and also why there was no Smackdown uploaded that night ether. It is unknown of we will see further small gaps plugged in collections in the coming weeks or if this was a random occurrence if it continues hopes will definitely be high for the Smackdown special/pilot that preceded the shows run.

Smackdown 2000-2002 is still away off from completion there is little point thinking of what is next until we see what next week holds. However, a look at the rest of the year is interesting. As long as we continue to get a new upload each month we have 8 more uploads this year. The most likely are the end of Nitro and another upload of Raw  and of Smackdown. Uploads that will hopefully also be included are WCCW, which was hoped for this or last month due to the Freebirds being inducted into the Hall of Fame, and more World Championship Wrestling to move into the early years of Sting and Jim Crockett Promotions becoming WCW period of the show. There is a lot of hope for WCW Saturday Night this year but odds are they will finish World Championship Wrestling first. This leaves three months that cannot be predicted as easily. Possibilities are whatever takes ECW’s replacement on the uploads, it could be WWE’s ECW but they are probably holding off on that until Raw and Smackdown are up to that point. If Nitro is done early enough we could see Thunder by the end of the year though they could end the year with Nitro as they began it with Nitro. Another possibility is another best of the territories upload to make them annual way of getting classic material from the territories up without dedicating a month to an obscure company that many fans may have no interest in. There is also the hope of more classic 80s WWE shows as there are little to none besides TNT and Primetime Wrestling, many feel that they are witholding these shows until Raw and Smackdown are finished but there is hope for them and the other 90s B shows like Heat which was integral for years to Pay-per-views as a lead in and Shotgun Saturday Night. Other non WWE shows include shows like WCW Worldwide, all of these are theories but it seems likely we will get a new show at some point this year.

Finally the last few weeks have seen some changes in the days we see uploads as the WWE Examiner looked at last week we have seen Saturday uploads become regular occurrences since Wrestlemania. In the last week this shakeup continue, Monday saw classic uploads a day that has been seldom used in the past few months and Wednesday  has seen very little of classic uploads in the past couple of weeks. Sunday has been also used on and off the past few weeks.If any uploads of Smackdown from 2000-2002 or anything else come they will be after this article is published but will be covered in next week’s Upload Update.

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Upload Update: Smackdown and Surprises

Global Cruiserweight Tournament Update: Another Qualifier announced

Crusierweight Belt

The WWE has announced yet another qualifier for the upcoming Global Cruiserweight tournament in Revolution Pro Wrestling. The interesting thing about it is that yet again a name has been removed as a confirmed participant and is now in qualified match, that being Noam Dar. This seems to imply athe confirmed names will all have to undergo qualifiers meaning some matches may appear on NXT due to some stars from that show being involved. Noam Dar will face Josh Bodom for the tournament in July. As of now the qualifiers are

April 24

Zack Sabre jr vs Flash Morgan Webster

Jack Gallager vs Pete Dunne

May 1

Noam Dar vs  Josh Bodom

May 7 

Drew Gulak vs Tracy Williams

Fred Yehi vs TJ Perkins

This outline shows that this we will know our first officially qualified participants this Sunday. As more participants and qualifiers are announced the WWE Examiner will keep you posted.

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Global Cruiserweight Tournament Update: Another Qualifier announced

Chyna Found Dead at 46


Former WWE Superstar Chyna (Joanie Laurer) has been found dead at 46. Laurer burst onto the scene in 1997 to help Triple H in his feud with Goldust and Marlena. Throughout that year Chyna amazed fans with her incredible strength hip tossing and slamming heavyweights like Mankind to aid Triple H. As the year ended Chyna became an original member of Degeneration X with Triple H and Shawn Michaels. 1999 was a historic year for Chyna and the WWE as she became the first women to win the Intercontinental Champion and enter the Royal Rumble and King of the Ring. After parting company with Triple H she also went onto be a Women’s Champion before leaving the company in 2001.

There is no doubt that Chyna made a historic impact on WWE and Professional wrestling and paved the way for future women wrestlers, especially in this time when women’s wrestling is so in the forefront of the business. The WWE Examiner’s thoughts are with Laurer’ family at this difficult time.

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Chyna Found Dead at 46