Upload Update: ECW Uploads and More

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This has been one of the most intense upload weeks and not just for ECW. So much happened this week with uploads it is best to start on Monday and go day by day.

On Monday besides scheduled uploads like the RAW pre-show there were no uploads. This sadly is nothing new as there have not been Monday uploads the past few Mondays even amid the large scale upload that this ECW batch has been. Tuesday is where things get interesting. On Tuesday ECW uploads were quite major with about 10 so there was a decent dent but that was not all. As well as ECW we got some 2002 RAW uploads, there are two possibilities to these uploads. First of all as at least some of them have Jacqueline included in them seem to point to Hall of Fame uploads being imminent, meaning we could finally get the promised Freebird era WCCW uploads listed in the survey from a while ago. The other possibility is that ECW are way behind and the RAW 2002 uploads were scheduled to start on that day and were uploaded accidentally and kept rather than admit error. Both theories have their merits but with both it will be next week at the earliest before we know any thing. While this was a crazy start to the week it got better.

On Wednesday uploads started very early (about 3pm Irish Time) and continued for the rest of the day by the time uploads were finished for the day we had 38 episodes of ECW Hardcore TV and ECW Wrestling. It was amazing obviously the Network now want these uploads finished fast and gave us the intensive day we have been expecting for awhile. This was followed by a day of 15 uploads on Thursday before things calmed down on Friday with fewer but still a respectable number of uploads. As things stand uploads for the week look like this.

ECW Hardcore TV Remaining Episodes



2000= Complete

ECW Wrestling Remaining Episodes

1999= Complete


RAW Remaining Episodes

2002= 25

That’s right 2000, the year that was so horrendously behind finished first in that strange random order of uploads that the Network seems to adhere to. Overall for this batch of ECW uploads we are more than likely to finish early next week, meaning we might see the start of a new upload dump before the end of the month.

With the end of original ECW uploads it raises the question of what is next. Possibilities are ether the early episodes of ECW missing from 1993 and 1994 or the non pay-per-view super-cards ECW did and that so many are lacking from the Network. There is a question mark over these possibilities as there are questions over ownership with answers we are not privy two as there are so many theories  answers and claims over the internet. More likely is the beginning of the WWEECW show, which will be able to carry on for a couple of chunks at different times.

The question is what, yes it looks likely that we will get 2002 RAW it seems likely it will be packaged with something else considering how much we have of it already. The possibilities for that are 2003 RAW which has no episodes, or another ambitious dump where they fill in the gaps in Smackdown up to the end of 2002 which would be a very welcome addition to the Network which has been neglected outside of the rise of Brock Lesnar themed upload late last year. While a Hall of Fame themed upload is wanted by many due to the rich possibilities this year, it has to be remembered that the Hall of Fame announcements are not finished yet with Stan Hansen and Snoop Dog rumoured to be also on the list. April will possibly see the uploads for the Hall of Fame to also coincide with the induction ceremony.

With such a major week it looks to be exciting times ahead with maybe a new lot of uploads beginning next week if it has not already started. Sadly we will probably have to wait until Tuesday to see further uploads due to the lack of uploads on previous Monday’s. Ether way next week will finally see the end of ECW uploads for a while.

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Upload Update: ECW Uploads and More

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