Ambrose vs Owens Will Be Career Defining Match In Career Defining Feud

Kevin Owens vs Dean Ambrose

At the Royal Rumble the eyes of wrestling fans will be on the Royal Rumble match, however a match that is going under the radar de to the unique stipulations of the Rumble this year is Dean Ambrose and Kevin Owens in a Last Man Standing Match for the Intercontinental  Championship. This match is interesting due the old school intensity of the feud hearkening back to the old brawlers like Brusier Brody and Stan Hansen, but also that the feud seems to be one that has a long future as a great feud.

Both Ambrose and Owens could both be viewed as not the usual standard of wrestler the WWE take a chance on but both have proven themselves since moving up from NXT with respective feuds with the likes of the Wyatts, John Cena and Seth Rollins. In the short space of time since the feud intensified both have made their battle for the title one of the reasons to watch Raw and Smackdown.

The two superstars have been compared to Vader and Cactus Jack’s famous feud in their styles and tendency for outside ring action. In a strange twist of fate Cactus Jack and Vader met each other in a WCW version of the Last Man Standing Match, the Texas Death Match, this shows that the parallels between four of the most unorthodox wrestlers of the past 30 years who had to fight for their rightful place in the business is even more interesting.

Ambrose and Owen’s match will join a line of great Last Man Sranding Matches such as the one that took place in 2004 at the Rumble between Triple H and Shawn Michaels. This match so early in their WWE careers and in their feud gives hope for their fans who want to see this feud rekindled over the years, and that WWE are showing faith in two wrestlers that the fans have wanted mainstream success for for so long. Hopefully the feud will continue and the WWE Examiner certainly hopes to one day report on a match between them for the WWE Championship at Wrestlemania after many more years of what could potentially be one of the best feuds the WWE and the fans have invested in for a long time.

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Ambrose vs Owens Will Be Career Defining Match In Career Defining Feud

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